Monday, May 14, 2012

Home Is Where The It All Begins

"Home Sweet Home", or is it? The home contains many toxins that we are unaware of, some of those toxins we actually bring into the home ourselves.  It is reported that 90 percent of the poisonings each year is caused by toxins found in and around the home.  These figures are from medicine to household bleach.  What they don't include is long term exposure to certain toxins.

Here is a list of some of the chemicals we use in our homes and expose our families to not knowing the harmful affects.

  • Carbon monoxide caused by an unserviced furnace burning propane, butane or oil.

  • Arsenic is still used in many household pesticides and is increasingly used as a wood preservative.  Low levels of non organic arsenic "may increase lung cancer risk."

  • Vinyl chloride Also known as that new car smell. PVC pipes in your house with water sitting in them all night can have vinyl chloride leaking into the water making the water contaminated, which can cause severe liver damage. (Run the water if it hasn't been used in a while to flush out the standing water.)

  • Disinfectants: Phenaols, which include biphenyl, phenolics and the perservative pentachoraphenol, are found in disinfectants, antiseptics, perfume, mouthwashes, glues and air fresheners.

  • Formaldehyde off gases (evaporates) from cushions, particle board and adhesives and to manufacture most inexpensive wood bases products.  This can cause eye and upper respiratory irritation.
There are more but these a just a few of the things we bring or have in our homes.  This list was found on Marthedal.